By Eliana Barnett, Adjustment Guidance Counselor
A school counselor is trained to help students adjust to the school environment and addresses any issues they may be struggling with. The counselor encourages the student to find a solution and to find hope, vision, and strength to overcome their challenges. Guidance and Adjustment counselors within the American school system are a great resource. School counselors support students in decision making and facilitate psycho-educational groups to teach valuable life skills that will help students adjust to the school environment. School counselors help students assess strengths; help students make decisions, help students choose courses that are right for their career goals, and help create a safe school environment by providing a place where students can talk to someone with a positive unconditional regard approach.
The guidance department is divided into guidance and adjustment counselors. Adjustment counselors assess the student’s issues but if the student is experiencing abuse at home or if a student demonstrates a serious mental illness a parent or guardian is contacted and a referral is made to agencies in the community for clinical services. Guidance counselors help students schedule their daily classes, guide students through the college search process, write recommendations, and help the student maintain a healthy perspective about education.
The school system recognizes that school aged children need more than support from academic teachers. School personnel collaborate with teachers and counselors to support students and help them live healthy balanced lives while they are attending the public school system.
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