Sen. Barack Obama has selected Delaware Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate, according to his official Web site and a text message the campaign sent to supporters on Saturday.
“ Mi ku Joe, nu ta parsi peranti públiku oji di tardi na Springfield, Illinois – na mesmu lugar undi ki nos kanpanha kumesa 19 mês pasadu,” foi o ki Obama fla na un mensájen eletróniku ki el manda pa se apoiantis oji di palmanhan.

"Joe and I will appear for the first time as running mates this afternoon in Springfield, Illinois -- the same place this campaign began more than 19 months ago," Obama said in an e-mail sent to supporters Saturday morning.
“Entri nos, kenha ki lógu na prumeru dia ta labanta y ta toma mididas pa kaba ku gérra? Kenha entri nos ki ta intende kuza ki debe ser fetu en relason a Pakiston? … Mi dja N ten 35 anu di ixperiênsia,” foi alguns palavras ki Biden prunúnsia.
"Who among us is going to be able on day one to step in an end the war? Who among us understands what to do about Pakistan? ... I have 35 years of experience," Biden said.
Biden ki é senador desdi 1972, altura en ki Obama inda éra un mininu ku apenas 11 anu di idadi, sta ku 65 anu y atualmenti el é prizidenti di kumison di Relason Ixterior di Senadu.
Biden, the 65-year-old who was first elected to the Senate in 1972 when Obama was only 11, is currently the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Source: CNN
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